Frequently Asked Questions

At myzarTM , we stand behind the quality of our products, and  we want you to be happy with your purchase. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you may return it for a full refund or exchange within 14 days of the purchase receipt. All returns must be unused, unwashed, in the original packaging, from a smoke-free environment, and have all applicable tags attached. Postage and handling charges are not refundable on returns. Please note if your purchase was made with a credit or debit card, any refund would be credited back to that account. Please contact with any questions/concerns and kindly allow 24 hours for a response.

Please send returns to the following address:



Attn: Customer Service

3935 Lake Laurel Drive,

Suwanee, GA 30024,

United States of America.

All orders are shipped within 48 hours via USPS Priority Mail from Atlanta, Georgia.  Your order should arrive between 3-7 business days after it has been shipped.

MyzarTM blankets are 49″ x 49″.

MyzarTM blankets come in a reusable cotton drawstring bag. If you are purchasing a gift, a gift-wrap option is also available. Please kindly send us an email ( with your message for the recipient, and we will include a handwritten gift note – free of charge – on your order.

Myzar believes in Global Citizenship; as the fortunate ones celebrate lives in the developed world, the same experience should be extended to the less fortunate in the developing world.

According to the World Health Organization, the first one month of a newborn baby is the most crucial for his/her survival. About 2 million babies die annually during their neonatal period. Most of these deaths are preventable, which is Why Myzar has been partnering with organizations in African countries such as Kenya and Nigeria to tackle neonatal mortality. This much-needed partnership ensures that every mother of a newborn baby receives a blanket with WHO-adapted illustrations to guide them in caring for their newborn babies. Most of these blankets are donated by Myzar after a purchase of our products through our Buy One, Donate One campaign.

Thank you for asking; we truly believe that little efforts make a big difference in the lives of many.  Pay it forward, buy one, two, or even three pack (s) of our beautifully made blanket and help a mom and newborn in a developing country potentially increase the chance for survival for the newborn. We hope to make a global impact starting with Africa. This continent has experienced the worst of it, and ask you to join us to educate and raise awareness on the Warning/Danger signs for newborns by purchasing one of Myzar’s blankets. Also, you can like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and Twitter and/or spread the word about myzar to your friends and family. We also love hearing new ideas, so if you have another idea to help, please drop us a line at Thank you!